3rd Trimester

Bloody Show/ Mucus Plug Question

I know that this is one of the highly repeated questions on this board, but I can't find another thread on it (although I've seen them before), so I will just ask again. :)

Yesterday morning, I'm pretty positive I had my bloody show. It was thick, clumpy (and lots of it) discharge that was dark red/brown. Sorry, TMI. It kind of kept up throughout the day, and there's still a little bitty bit this morning....more just like normal discharge though, with some blood in it.

Now, I was under the impression that the mucus plug and the bloody show were the same thing, but after reading a few of my books---I'm now seeing that they aren't....is that right? I read that the mucus plug can come out weeks before, where the bloody show typically (not always) happens hours to days before labor begins. Is this right?

For those of you who have babies, and had a bloody show, what was your experience with this?

I know that it doesn't definitely mean baby is coming soon, but I just wondered because I have been waking up the last 3 nights with BH contractions and some pretty annoying lower back pain.....so I just want to have more of a clue about it.


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