
Need advice- teachers, please chime in

Hi!  I've never posted here before, but I've lurked on occasion.  I EBF and I'm going back to work on Wed. and am a full-time teacher.  I think I've figured out how to handle pumping during the day around my crazy, unpredictable schedule.  My concern is that we have 2 all-day field trips coming up.  Bringing my pump with me is not an option, and I'm not really sure that I'll have time away from my kids during the day as I need to be supervising them.  I'm thinking I may have to pump right before we leave and then just last until we get back (which is going to be at least 6 hours).  I can go that long (or longer) during the night but that is because my baby sleeps during that time and I'm not usually having to feed her (my body has adjusted for that).  Any advice on how to handle a long stretch during the daytime?  Since its only a couple of times, I'm hoping it won't cause me any problems (other than being uncomfortable). 
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