
Refusing to nurse/nursing strike?

My DD woke up yesterday morning around 6:00 and would not nurse.  I put her to the breast and she just screamed and cried.  I tried for about 10 minutes and finally got her a bottle.  I offered the breast each time she was hungry yesterday and she did the same thing.  Can anyone tell me anything about a LO refusing to nurse? 


A few things to note:

*She's getting 2 teeth on the top.  She also bit me 3 times between Friday and Saturday
*She's had a cold recently and is still a little stuffy
*She took the bottles with no problem
*We supplement with formula b/c my supply hasn't been able to keep up with her needs (I'm a FT working Mom an dpump 3x/day at work).
*I'm stressed about this!

DD1: 3/31/10 DD2: 9/7/11
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