
foremilk/hindmilk imbalance ?

Does anyone know if it is possible to have a foremilk/hindmilk imbalance problem only during evening cluster feeding?? I know I have over-active letdown; sometime DD handles it, sometimes she pulls off and I wait for the spray to stop before attempting to re-latch. She isn't excessively fussy during the day, neither is she gassy. In the evenings is a totally different story. She is really fussy, gassy - she'll want to nurse but then sometimes get even more upset when I try to get her latched. She will also have foamy poop. I don't remember noticing it during the day. I don't think of it as being green, and it does not have mucous. Any ideas? Pretty much I don't want to do single side or block feeding and possibly affect my supply if it isn't an imbalance issue, but just a regular "I'm going to fuss in the evenings" issue.
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