
XP: Lump on breast

I will obviously call the doctor tomorrow about it but in the meantime I am kind of freaking out.  It is right near my nipple and is sort of large (maybe a bit bigger than an almond) it is painful.

I do breastfeed but it doesn't feel like a clogged duct as I have had one before.  From everything I have been reading it is unlikely to develop breast cancer while breastfeeding and most painful lumps are benign.  

I didn't notice it before tonight, although that side has hurt a bit while DD is nursing for the last few weeks. Tonight I was laying on my side and brushed my hand against it and it hurt and felt hard.  So I started poking around, DH felt it too.  It does not feel like a cyst where it is small and movable.  But it is sort of hard to pinpoint it almost like its just a an area that is hard rather than a mass?

Anyone have any experience like this I am freaking out!
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