
Anyone here have a myomectomy previously?

I had an abdominal myo back in 2008 for a softball size submucosal fibroid on the posterior wall of my uterus.  Just one fibroid, but it was BIG.  Since it was submucosal they did have to remove a portion of my uterus.  Because of this I was told that I would not be able to deliver vaginally, and shouldn't go into labor due to the risk of uterine rupture.  

Anyone here have the same kind of surgery and then go on to have a pregnancy/c-section?  What was your experience?  Did your doctor also state absolutely no vaginal birth?  How early was your c-section scheduled?

I know under most conditions a doctor will not do a scheduled c-section prior to 39 weeks, but did your OB consider the possibility of uterine rupture a reason to go earlier?  

I will be talking to my own OB about this obviously, but wanted to see what others were told also.  


- Heather
BFP on 1/27/11 - EDD 10/7/11 - M/C on 2/21/11 @ 7w3d
BFP on 11/3/11 - EDD 07/6/12 - Hadley Caroline born 6/27/12 via c-section
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