
Raynaud's or Vasospams?

Anyone have this or had this? Baby is 5 weeks and my nipple pain is OUTRAGEOUS! Even when I am not nursing I have a burning sensation and it's worse when I try to nurse at night. My nipples turn purple after nursing or pumping. Pumping hurts way less so I do this 7 times a day and a few times a week try to nurse again to see if the pain has gone away. Last night at 3am feeding I tried to nurse, but the pain was horrible and now I have pain all day even during pumping. The babyline at my hosiptal said they think it's Raynauds and to try staying warm. I'm trying this but if I am at work or out and about, how will I warm up a rice sock? I am thinking the prescription medicine may be a better route. Any advice? It's so bad I have thought about drying up my milk and FFing, but I honestly feel too guilty.
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