3rd Trimester

Anyone else annoyed with SO/DH?

Seriously.. I might strangle him one of these days. He is the biggest whiner and a hyperchondriac but if I mention anything about feeling tired or sore he mocks me. We usually go for walks in the afternoon, but yesterday, my hips felt very sore for some reason and I declined, at which point he told me I was "boring" and "lazy." I'm 36 weeks pregnant, I believe I am entitled to sit on my ass if I feel like it. 

 He is always asking me to pick him up cigarettes and occasionally beer and I always say no. Yesterday I told him that I'm not comfortable buying those things for him at this point in my pregnancy and he scoffed at me like the smarmy jerk he can be sometimes.

Several times he has accused me of "pulling the pregnant card" and he keeps saying that he can't wait until I'm not pregnant anymore so I can't use it as an excuse for not wanting to do certain things. Personally I can't wait until I'm not pregnant anymore so that I don't feel like crap all the time lol. He has no idea nor sympathy for what I am going through. I never complain about my pregnancy symptoms but I have really slowed down the past two weeks.

Part of me thinks he is resentful because I was pulled from work at 32 weeks for PIH and now I am home every day while he is working. I don't think he is even aware of this resentment but I believe it is causing alot of the teasing I've been enduring. It's to the point where everything he does annoys me. I love him very much and we usually have a very playful and fun relationship but lately I've been a little more serious (for lack of better term), probably because of the overall feeling of tiredness and the occasional soreness. I just wish he would be  alittle more understanding and try to tone it down a bit for the next few weeks.


**end vent** 

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