3rd Trimester

Preparing my cats for baby

I have two cats, aged 3(Bundy) and 8(Fluffy). I'm sort of worried for them, especially Fluffy. She is very attached to my boyfriend...when I say very I mean that I have never met a cat more attached to her owner.. I always jokingly say that she thinks that she is his girlfriend and I am the pet.  I think that the baby's arrival is going to be very stressful for her. I have tried explaining to my boyfriend that he should start paying a little less attention to her now so that it won't be a shock to her. We took the first step by making the bedroom (which we will be sharing with the baby) a no-cat zone. At first this was tough because they were accustomed to sleeping in bed with us, but they have given up and meowing at the door and seem to be used to sleeping elsewhere. Other than that, not much has changed.

I plan on getting the younger cat fixed because I have heard that it helps them mellow out a little. She is not really that high-strung to begin with, and I think she will have an easier time accepting the baby, but it's something I have been meaning to do anyway. My boyfriend will not even consider spaying Fluffy.

 I have also read about something called a Feliway diffuser which I am looking into buying because I have heard that it helps cats with stress.

 Does anyone else with furbabies have any recommendations for me? 

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