3rd Trimester

Prurigos in Pregnancy can lead you to a mental institute...

I am not sure if there are any, if many at all, that may have this during their pregnancy, but I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy.  I have something called Prurigos in Pregnancy, which is a relative of Pregnancy PUPPs, but much, much worse.  Prurigos appears like several little bug bites all over your body and eventually turns into scabs.  It is something to do with an allergic reaction to a hormone in your pregnancy, usually related to a male fetus but can be related to any sex.  It is insanely itchy and, at least for me, at times feels like a very strong sunburn.  

I have been to the doctor a few times for this problem and to the emergency room once (which was a complete joke).  The doctor has not had a case like mine, nor has seen anything as bad as mine.  I continually feel like I'm crawling out of my skin.  When I'm not itching insanely I feel like I'm on fire from the inside out.  I have scabs all over my body that is an additional pain because they are sore when they rub against my skin.  I've exhausted every type of lotion including oatmeal baths, baking soda baths, Epsom salt, and Grandpa's Pine Tar Soap (something several women swear by with PUPPs experience).  My doctor has me on 60 mg of oral steroids, a histamine blocker, Atarax (a strong antihistamine considered a class C for pregnancy), and using Sarna (the only lotion that knocks the itching for about 30-40 minutes (or enough to catch my breath)).

I can't tell you how much I want to just cut my legs or arms off at times because of the burning and itching.  I feel like I'm being punished because I wanted to have a baby.  Anyway, I don't think anyone else has experienced this before, but if you have, I would love your input.  I'm about 36 weeks pregnant, and the doctor is going to schedule me for an amniocentesis to see the progression and development of the lungs.  If all is well (which with the amount of steroids I'm taking, I sure hope it is), he's going to schedule me for induction.  I'm so scared.  I want some comfort and mostly sanity back, but I also know induction can be pretty rough.  

I'm open to suggestive thoughts and opinions.  Please let me know what you think.
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