3rd Trimester

Just 3 1/2 weeks away, and SO nervous about the life changes!!

Hey all! 36 1/2 weeks along! I am starting to get more and more nervous about just HOW much baby will change my life!!!! I mean, right now, I work part time from home so my schedule is pretty much my own. I literally sleep at 2am every night after watching my fill of reruns (Gotta have my two hours of 12-2am "Golden Girls..." lol!) I wake up at 11:30am! Every night, I take a one hour jacuzzi bath and read and relax in my glorious tub. I am definitely not an organized person either. Hubby and I eat out a  LOT. We go to movies all the time whenever we want to. LIke today, we were out hanging out in the city (Boston) all day, and on the way back decided to watch the new Three Stooges movie, and stop for a late night meal at Unos (AFTER having eaten lunch out earlier.) I go wherever I want, whenever I want! I am SO nervous about how much baby will change my life! I mean, don't get me wrong. I am very happy and excited about my upcoming little boy, but MAN, I have never been a naturally maternal person... I mean, I have a pet parrot whom I love dearly and totally pamper and take care of, but that is not much baby experience! :) How will I do this??? Argh! Does anyone else feel super freaked out about their upcoming life changes?? The closer it gets, the more surreal it seems!!!
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