3rd Trimester

Must the general public know how dilated I am??

So I'm standing in a store today and there were 2 of my friends, one other lady who was working the counter, and another couple in there.  The lady behind the counter asks the usual question of when I was due, then goes "are you dilated yet?!" in a super loud voice to me across the store.  I was slightly mortified.  I think maybe she realized it because she goes, "oh, is that too personal?" and I was like "uh yeah, way too personal".  Felt terrible for that couple standing next to me, especially the guy.

But seriously, why is it that the general public seems to want to know how far dilated you are like that is an appropriate topic of conversation?  It is one thing to discuss on a forum like this or in a room full of moms, or with your DH.  But with general aquaintances, co-workers and random strangers?  C'mon now, give me a break!  That, along with progress on my mucous plug, are just things that don't need to be discussed.  I learned this the hard way when I would come home and give DH updates on my dilation from appointments, then he would promptly tell my MIL, who would then tell half of the extended family - including details on the MP.  So gross.  Now the only ones who hear about my dilation are my mom, sometimes DH and no one else.  MP details are shared with no one after that first pregnancy!

Erin 2.19.06 - Carter Joseph 5.28.08 - Gavin David 6.16.10 - Liam Michael 4.29.12 - Baby Boy #4 due!
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