3rd Trimester

Carrying in front of pelvis?

So I am having a RCS for multiple reasons, so this issue isn't really a crisis, but I was interested in if anyone else is/has experienced this.

My baby, (and amniotic fluid level) is very large, and whether that is the reason or not, I am carrying very very low and in front of my pelvis. To give you a visual, imagine my stomach and legs being the letter "p" but the stomach/loop part drooping downwards at almost a 45 degree angle. She is head down, and I can literally cup her head in my hands- it literally rests on the upper part of my thighs.

If I was having a vaginal birth, how would her head get up and back enough to engage/ get into my pelvis? Would contractions move her up, back and down? Thanks for any input...just very curious and the weight being so forward is very uncomfortable for me. Anyone else?

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