3rd Trimester

10 Reasons we DIY'd my Maternity Photos-PsIP

I searched and searched for DIY maternity pic information and came up with ZILCH.  I promised, swore, and pledged that if/when we went with DIY'ing our maternity pics, I would come back and post!!

10. After a couple months of trying, we couldn't reach our 'go-to' photography team. They did our wedding and are associates of ours and they usually give us more bang for our buck. Problem is, they have full time jobs and just do the pictures on the side. Their jobs demand they travel out of the country on occasion and I figured that must be what was up when I couldn't reach them.

9. No appointment necessary- After Hubbs suggested we do them ourselves, I asked him when was his next off day, he said it was Thursday, we said we would do the pics on Thursday, done, done, and done. No trying to coordinate his schedule with a photo's available appointment times, which are getting slim bc of Easter pics, Graduation/Senior pics, and weddings coming up. When thunderstorms were forcasted on Thursday, I asked when his next day off was and he said Sunday. DIY pics moved to Sunday (snap) just like that!

8. No appointed time-most photo packages included 1 hour, maybe an hour and a half of shooting time. Packages with more time were more expensive. Being preggo, sitting down, knealing, standing, posing, etc, takes TIME. Not to mention the much needed tee tee breaks and breaks just to catch my breath and rest! We didn't worry about time. We took some pics, rested, got coffee, took some pics, rested, enjoyed the view, talked, and too pics!!

7. No travel charge-I love studio maternity pics and think they are beautiful, but not for me. I've always imagined an outdoor location with lots of color and natural light. We thought abt cool places and headed from Houston to a Boardwalk in neighboring Kemah,TX and from the Boardwalk to Galveston beach. If it was even a possibility, it probably would hv cost a fortune in trip charge w a pro-tographer!

6. No limit on outfit changes-most pro packages included 1-2 outfits. And of course, if more were offered, more money was warranted. I took **5** outfits to change into, although I only used 3 of them.

5. We have full rights to print, email, mail, share, etc allll of the photos from our shoot. It's hit or miss with pro-tographers.

4. ***All*** my relatives are out of town/state and I came to the realization that they would be estactic to see any pics of me pregnant. They would cherish them forever and the chances of them comparing them to professional maternity pics is zelch!!! If my dad covets the Polaroids from 1980, he'll love these too. At the end of the day, I'm really just trying to keep my family connected and have something to show Gummi Bear later! These pics fit the bill!!

3. Sentimental Reasons-That day was amazinnnnnngggg. It was like a date with me and Hubbs. Like I said, the breaks I needed in between were full of talking and holding and enjoying the view and atmosphere. And Hubbs kept flirting w me while he was shooting to get me to smile and make me feel prettier (felt kinda fat after viewing the first few pics in the camera). No photography session would have been the same. (Blushing)

2. IT WAS FREE!!!!!!!-I know you thought this would be #1 and although it's not, it is certainly the very closest runner up EVER. With the exception of gas and a $15 tripod, we paid absolutely NOTHING for the shoot. Pros were running in the hundreds. And again, unltd time, outfits, distance/location, and photos. That's some major savings!

Annnnd the #1 reason I'm glad we DIY'd our maternity pics issssss-I have 1 stick-your-chest out, over the top, majorly, extremely, hugely, magnificantly, PROUD PAPA!!!! Hubbs took the maternity photos himself for his son and he is SWELLING AND BEAMING with PRIDE. Which makes me happy!!! Tee hee.
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