
Recovery Questions

Repost from April 2012

I had an unplanned c/s on March 8th. Since pretty early on, I've had little pain at my incision site, but instead, it hurt like a mo-fo where my "bump" used to start. I asked my mom (a nurse) and she said it was just the nerve endings trying to heal. NBD.

Well, I'm obsessed with staring at my recovery and have noticed that in the morning, it looks completely different than by the afternoon. Now (in the evening), I notice that my left side is swelling significantly more than my right at the area where my bump used to crease my abdomen. When I push on it (because that's what morons do), I can feel the internal staples. The whole area is tender still, but not horrifically painful anymore. The incision still looks pretty good. I go for my 6 week checkup on Tuesday (they're closed Monday), and obviously I'm going to ask, but I'm just curious if anyone else has noticed any of these things.

Can you feel your internal staples (if you got them)? Have you noticed swelling throughout the day? Does one side swell more than another?

Micah Leonard
Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
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