3rd Trimester

Keep Your Drama-Vent

So I had a co-worker come to me and ask if she could ask who my OB was-I told her, I am so happy with him, I'd recommend him to anyone. She then told me she just ran into someone who used to work with us and she told her who my OB was since it was her brother in law. I already knew that, since at my first appointment when my OB asked where I worked he mentioned his sister in law used to work there.

It just irritated me, who cares who my OB is? It's not like he's divulging medical information and like I said I'd tell anyone who my OB is as a recommendation.  The co-worker is all about drama and nothing good could have come out of her letting me know that she knew this information.

Ugh-how many more minutes till the weekend?! Thanks, just wanted to vent a bit!

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