
Breastfeeding after a breast Reduction?

I first posted this in the 3rd trimester board by accident:

I had a breast reduction about 11 years ago and am really wanting to give nursing a good try.  I have started doing quite a bit of research about it and it seems like there are good chances can, however it depends on how the surgery was done.  Since it was 11 years ago, and I was 18 years old, I have no clue! 

I was wondering if anyone on here was/is in a similar situation and what kinds of things helped or didn't help and if you have any advice.  My doctor and I talked about it the other day briefly, and she said I should of course talk with the lactation consultant at the hospital after I deliver... remaining hopeful that I will have some sort of success.  I will do this, but even so, I'm assuming at this point that even if I can breastfeed some, I'll have to supplement some with formula.  My husband is really supportive either way and says that it is up to me and he's perfectly fine and supportive if we have to go the formula route.

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