3rd Trimester

Chickened out - bumped my induction date

So I posted last night about being excited that they scheduled my induction for next weekend, just shy of 39 weeks.  This is due to low PAPPa values.  However, although I was super excited to finally be done with a pregnancy early (my other 3 were a week late), it just felt too early.  I do trust my docs though, so I just called them again to get a better idea on what they thought.  Doc still felt that I was very low risk for induction that early because it is my 4th and felt that baby would be developed to full-term, but said if I felt more comfortable then it was okay with her if I held off one more week as long as I continue with the NST.  After reading so many things online about complications with inductions and babies being born with feeding difficulties, etc., I just decided to go with my gut and wait it out.  Granted, it puts baby at greater risk because of the low PAPPa, but he has been super healthy up until now, my BP has been very low and CVS was normal.  I think this being my 4th, it is pretty safe to assume that my babies just need the full 40 weeks to be ready.  All of them have come out at 41 weeks perfectly cooked, easy labors, great feeders and great growers.  Would hate to mess with nature this time around and have complications.  Like I said though, there could be complications from going too early, but also from going too late.  Just hoping I made the right decision, but I guess there is really no way to know.  Maybe baby will surprise me and come this week on his own anyways:)
Erin 2.19.06 - Carter Joseph 5.28.08 - Gavin David 6.16.10 - Liam Michael 4.29.12 - Baby Boy #4 due!
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