
can I pump less?

I have a good problem to have - I pump more than DS drinks at daycare. He has never been huge on the bottle and typically takes 8-12 oz while at daycare - lately it's been 8 or less. They offer but he just won't take more than that. On average I pump 6-8 oz the first session, 5 the second, and 4 the third. It seems to be more lately and I'm coming home with 14-16 oz. I send 12 with him and he rarely drinks it all. I freeze the extra but I don't feel a need to have a huge stash - he's hit or miss on drinking thawed milk. If I can pump twice a day and get 12 oz, would I be safe dropping the 3rd session or will it impact my supply? It would make life a lot easier (based on my job).  

For context, DS will be 7 months on monday and has cereal at school in the morning and fruit/veggies at home in the evening. He nurses once in the morning, 1-2 times in the evening, and usually twice overnight.  I think we're going to start sending veggies for him to eat mid-day at daycare.

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