
Dreading the night. Encouragement needed

Not sure where exactly to start.... DS is 7 mo 2 weeks and BF is starting to become very stressful for me. We do great during the day (typically 4-5 feeds from wake to bedtime). But once it's the nighttime it's like he goes crazy. All he wants to do is nurse. He will wake up screaming and the only thing that comforts him is nursing (3-6 times a night). We co-sleep and are getting ready to stop because it's just getting to be too much for me. I'm not sure what to do (other than cut the nursing sessions obviously), but he won't take his paci at night and just screams like hell until he can nurse back to sleep. Any advice? Encouragement? Please. I've started contemplating stopping BF all together because of this. Once bedtime rolls around I actually try to avoid it because it causes so much anxiety :( but I really wanted to BF him till the year since it is the best thing for him.

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