
Irritated with pedi

I called the pedi today becaus my little man has turned into a fussy monster! He's a little over six weeks and I'm assuming it's a growth spurt but i wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something like a cold or ear infection. First question, are you producing enough? Yes, dirty diapers are good and when I pump I get two to four ounces per side (in addition to nursing half an hour before hand). I then tell her that LO is constantly hungry and eating all the time. She tells me the problem ilia probably that he's not eating on a schedule and I should feed him only ten to fifteen minutes per side every two to three hours. Ummm, ok, you come deal with him when he's screaming after an hour because he's starving. I feed in demand an let him eat as long as he wants (I do switch boobs if it's longer than thirty minutes). She then says it's probably gas an I should write down what I eat and see what makes him fussy. No mention of a growth spurt or anything else to look for that could indicate something else is wrong. I'm just feeding him gassy milk and doing it incorrectly. No wonder formula is such a popular option. At least then drs don't blame your body of your kiddo is uncomfortable.
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