
Losing Weight While BFing?

Hey ladies! So right now I'm BFing (baby gets both boob andbm bottles since I'm going back to work on Monday) and I'm looking to lose some weight. I gained 40 lbs while TTC and 22 while pregnant. I'm now five pounds under my pre pregnancy weight but still about 50 lbs overweight for my height. I would like to drop the weight to get healthier and to fit in a MOH dress for my sisters wedding. 

I have done some research and everything says to make sure I'm eating enough calories and drinking enough water, but nothing has been super helpful as to how to lose some weight while still being able to bf and keep up my supply. I just got cleared for exercise about a week ago from my doc so I will be starting integrating that into my routine ASAP. 

Everyone keeps saying "worry about losing weight when you are done BFing" but i would like to bf for a year and don't think it is healthy to wait that long to lose the weight. Any good sites, articles or info you can share about losing weight in a healthy way so I can continue breastfeeding?

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