
Super quick bout of mastitis?

When I woke up this morning my top left of my left breast hurt like crazy. Nursing DS2 off it didnt help. My entire body felt achy and weak and slightly nauseous. When I took a hot shower it was like instant relief and I hand expressed the lump out. It's still sore but only to touch. Later I got the chills so I took my temp orally- 101.5.

Ive been keeping the breast drained and staying hydrated and resting. And I already feel better. Breast is only sore to touch. Body is still achy but fever is down to 100.0 on its own (haven't taken any meds). I did notice the skin above the affected area has now turned into a faint pink patch with faint lines coming off of it (does that make sense?).

Is it possible to have that quick a bout of mastitis? Anyone else have matitis clear up with out antibiotics? Or does my body really really hate clogged ducts?

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