
Am I doing this whole thing right?

I didn't BF DS for long, I did pump for a few weeks but, resorted to formula eventually. 

I want to BF DD exclusively and I just want to make sure that I am doing it right. I've checked out Kellymom's section on BF'ing a newborn but, I am still not sure on some stuff.

DD is 1  week old. I put her to the breast about every 2-3 hours. She'll nurse from one side anywhere from 5 minutes up to 30 minutes. Then, she'll fall asleep. I undress her and interact with her to keep her awake while she is nursing and it only works for a minute or two. I have not been able to get her to nurse from the 2nd breast yet.

She hasn't fully drained one breast yet (that I can really tell). I want her to get the hindmilk but, she doesn't stay at the breast long enough (I think). Once she is done nursing, I pump the other breast and also get an ounce or two from the one she nursed from. I have tons of milk and it seems to flow really fast. 

She has her 7-10 day checkup tomorrow so we will know if she's gaining weight. (We did deal with some jaundice and she had 2 pedi visits back to back and had gained like an ounce or two. So, that did boost my confidence a bit.)

Her output is great. Plenty of wet diapers and yellow seedy diapers. She's a happy baby as well. I also want to make sure I keep my supply up. 

I guess I am just looking for some reassurance from you guys. And, I sure hope this post makes sense (I'm running on little sleep these days!)  


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