3rd Trimester

Dealing with In-Laws and a newborn

Ok, so my husband's family lives about 11 hours away and we really dont see them but maybe 3 times a year. That being said, IMO, we see them too much. My MIL is quite the character. Anywho, my MIL and possibly the whole family (my H's 2 sisters, brother, mom, and dad) plan on coming to stay for a while to be here either for or soon after (meaning like a day or 2) the baby's birth. My MIL is overbearing, controlling, and a know-it-all PLUS shes a nurse (not a pediatrician!) so I am not looking forward to her "advice" (more like demands).

My question is, since my husband knows I sometimes have a hard time dealing with my MIL's "interesting" ways, how do I go about scheduling a time for them to visit without offending my H or his family? I know I don't want them staying the night. Is it too unreasonable to recommend they get a hotel? Here in the south we are all about southern hospitality and I am afraid of coming across as rude or ungrateful, I just REALLY can't deal with post partum hormones, a new baby, AND my MIL. What would y'all do in this situation? Would you suck it up for maybe 2-3 days and just deal or would you put your foot down? And how would you go about doing it in a very non-confrontational or offensive way (my husbands pretty sensitive when it comes to his mom...)


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