

Two questions:

How much milk are you making per session or each day? My DD is 2.5 weeks old (will be three weeks on Monday) and I'm making about 1 oz. each side, each session, for a total of about 24 - 25 oz each day. I'm pumping about every two hours for 20 minutes each session. Is this in line with what you're getting/what you got at 2.5 weeks? 

I had a really solid supply (an oversupply, really) with DS #1 -- I'd get about 25 oz. in the morning after a night's worth of not pumping, and 6 - 8 oz. each pumping session. I just can't remember how long it took to build that supply -- my milk came in late (day 7 or so) and I know I worked hard to build my supply. Does milk supply increase over the first several months? I just can't remember from DS #1.



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