
Visitors just after birth

Ladies - what are you plans for visitors just after the baby is born?  I am very adamant about wanting time to bond with baby and DH...I want my own time before I am bombarded with people sntaching my baby from me. Plus I want to get breastfeeding underway. 

 The way my hopsital operates is that I will have the csection in the operating room and then escorted on the bed down to my room. I am afraid people are going to be standing there in the hall ready to pounce on us!

What are you telling people?  I am really worried about hurting peoples feelings. 

 When my DD was born we had lots of drama.  We were taken very suddenly for the c-section and didnt get a chance to call my DHs parents.  They were so angry they never even came in that first day.

 I just want things to go smoothly, I want everyone to be happy but yet I want my own time to bond with baby.

Proud Mama of Sisters! 02.07.10 & 04.19.12 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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