3rd Trimester

Insomnia Cures?

So I was fine all through my pregnancy till about a week ago, then suddenly sleep seems impossible!!

Im lying awake all night, tired, but cant sleep for more than 20 minutes at a time! I have a brand new mattress and its super comfy so finding a good position is not a problem. I find Im also really hot at night and start tearing up the blankets... annoying my DH...
Around 7 am I manage to finnaly settle down and get about 3 hrs of solid sleep and my husband lets me 'sleep in'. But then theres construction workers right outside my bedroom window installing new sidewalks and then sleep is screwed anyway!! Grrr

What do I do?? Should I try maternity pillows? Eating something?? What do you do? And whats the deal with being all hot?

~?~ Chellezy ~?~ Daisypath Anniversary tickers PitaPata Cat tickers
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