3rd Trimester

question about gestational diabetes (diet)

I failed my 1 hour glucose test.  My level was 169 which I think is pretty high considering the cut off is 140.  I took my 3 hour glucose test yesterday.  The nurse drawing my blood said most people who fail the first one will pass the second one, but when she asked what my level was and I told her 169 she said "Ohhh...that's high"  Greeeat.  Geez lady, that wasn't very reassuring. So, I am already accepting the fact that I most likely have gestational diabetes.  I called today thinking they would have my results but the receptionist told me that they probably won't have them until next week!  So, now is the waiting game.  I've already been eating as if I have it.  Even if I don't have it, this has been a reality check for me. I haven't been eating a lot of sweets, but I do eat carbs like pasta for dinner.  My husband travels a lot so pasta is the easiest thing for me to cook when it's just for myself.  I also eat very healthy, lots of salads, veggies, fruit etc.  So, the diet is not a big concern for me because I know that I will definitely follow the instructions to ensure the best health for me & my baby.  Even if I don't have it, I think I will limit my sugar and carb intake for the remaining 2 months.  However, my concern is that I haven't gained a lot of weight up to this point.  I am 29 weeks and I've only gained around 10 to 13 pounds total.  My pre-pregnancy weight was 127 and I'm 5'5.  I have a small body frame too.  I am wondering if I do have gestational diabetes, and I have to watch my sugar and carb intake and go on a diet, it seems like I might lose weight?  My body is used to carbs... what if I lose weight?  What would I eat?  I would think the diet would consist mostly of lean meats, veggies, fruit, salads, wheat pasta, brown rice, no soda or fruity drinks, nothing sugary.  If I went on that diet pre-pregnancy, I would lose a ton of weight.  Does anyone lose weight when they are on this diet?  That concerns me since I haven't really gained a lot of weight up to this point already. 

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