
for those who BF and pump but are SAHM

I am sure this is fatigue and emotions speaking.  But I am thinking about pumping and bottle feeding and possibly just nurse mornings and bedtimes.

I feel like a prisoner.  I spend all day on the couch BF.  We don't NIP well because she has a poor latch that requires my full attention. We have worked with an LC to get a good latch but she still doesn't get it at first.  She eats really slow and she loses her latch as she eats and dozes.  I NIP this weekend and it took 40 minutes to get through one side b/c we had to constantly re-adjust.  I was happy to satisfy her just enough to rush home.

She takes a bottle when we offer. 

If I were to pump and bottle feed during the day would I have to pump each time that I fed her or could I pump at my own convenient times as long as it is the same amount of times that she is fed with a bottle? 

She is 8 weeks old.

I have read that the feedings don't really space out until you start solids around 6 mos?   If I thought that things would get easier than I would just stick with it.

I envy my friends who can throw on a nursing cover and their LO will just nurse away.  It's like a circus under there when I do it. 

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