
XP with Nov 2011 moms - Daycare feeding issues (long)

I need some opinions... and also to vent a little. So DD started daycare on Tuesday.  I went back to work six weeks ago, but DH was on paternity leave and taking care of her. During that time, DD would take 2 4 oz. bottles (one in the morning, one in the afternoon) and I breastfed her at lunch.  I also nurse her once in the morning and usually at least twice in the evening/night, and still do this now she is at daycare. 

On Tuesday she started daycare and I sent her with 3 4oz. bottles (plus some frozen milk and some RTF formula as "just in case" backups. She has had formula in the past when I had to supplement, and if I didn't pump enough...).  They said she was really hungry after she already ate the 3 bottles, so they defrosted one of the frozen bags and gave her another 3 oz. of breastmilk.  I said ok, thought maybe she wants to eat a little more and said I would bring 4 4oz. bottles on Wednesday.

On Wednesday, they fed her the 4 4oz. bottles, the last one given at 2:15, plus another 4oz. bottle from the frozen milk at 3:35, plus 3 oz. of formula at 4:40!!! She said I hope I didn't overfeed her but she seemed happy after she ate.  That is almost double what she would normally take.  I was sooo upset. I definitely think they are overfeeding her and just trying to comfort her with food instead of other techniques.  Not only did she not need that much, but then when I got her home she wasn't hungry, so I had to pump instead of nurse her like usual.  Also, there is no way I can pump that much milk in a day (I'm lucky to get 16oz. a day). 

Today when I dropped her off I gave only four bottles again and explained to please try to not give her more, and that usually at home she is fine eating every three house.  I also gave them some articles from kellymom, including how much expressed milk a baby needs, and how to bottlefeed a breastfed baby.  I also gave them a pacificier which hopefully will help when she just needs to suck (before we were not giving her one because DH didn't want to deal with taking it away in a few months, but he gave in last night because of this issue). 

I feel torn because I don't want it to seem like I am starving my baby, or don't want her to eat and be happy, but I really don't think she needs to eat that much.  Anyone else been in a similar situation or have any advice? TIA. 

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