
Can you "fix" overactive letdown?

My left boob is seriously drowning my little boy. He hates it, chokes/gags/screams and then refuses to latch on that side. This side also has at least 2x the supply of my right. It was always that way with my daughter too, who I nursed for a year, and she had times of being fussy at the breast but NOTHING as bad as my son who is nearly 6 weeks now. Right now I'm trying to even them out a bit by always starting on the right and only pumping to relieve engorgement on the left, but even pumping for about a minute just to the point of relief gets nearly 3oz sometimes. If I nurse very soon after I pump a bit, he's okay with that side, but even trying to just hand express doesn't help nor does different positions, repeated burping, etc. I've tried all the tricks I've read about on kellymom... just wondering if the supply on that side goes down, will the letdown ease up too, or do I just need to wait it out until he is able to handle it? I have a call in to a LC to discuss but we've been playing phone tag so wanted to see if anyone was actually able to fix this problem or if it's just a matter of your baby eventually getting used to it...
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