3rd Trimester

So, my baby is coming on Monday!

"But how can you know?" you may ask, well, my situation is this: I've got type 2 diabetes, big (and I mean BIG) babies run in my family, and my little nugget measured at 9.1 lbs at 38 weeks.

My doctors decided yesterday at my appointments with them that I could either 1) be induced at around 39 weeks if my cervix was showing progress that would make induction even worth trying, or 2) I could go full term and have a c-section at 40 weeks. 

The decision was...pretty easy, to put it simply. I know that with being induced there's something crazy like an 80% chance of having to have a c-section, but I'm hoping to be in the minority on this one! *warrior face*

Yesterday (38 weeks 5 days) my cervix measured at 70% softened, which my doctor seemed to find promising, though he explained the "balloon technique" of opening my cervix if necessary (one word: ew).

Between now (Wednesday) and Sunday when I go into the hospital to begin the inducement I want to do EVERYTHING in my possible human power to soften, thin, and open my cervix. I tried doing some research on techniques but all I could find was something about inserting primrose (?) oil into my vagina and trying to rub it on my cervix...

This sounds a little hoakey to me, but has anyone tried/heard of/known someone who's done this with any kind of success? Are there any risks involved?

My doctor also said baby's head is still a little high up (certainly doesn't feel like it!). Is there anything I can do to encourage her to descend? Like, movements or exercises or anything?

Any help in helping my delivery go well would be eternally appreciated!

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