Single Parents

Have you been to court to change your placement order?

DS starts school this year and right now we have 50/50 custody.  But since his dad and I live in different school districts, one needs to be choose. Of course I want him to go to school where I live.  Due to his dad's work schedule, I'm requesting that he give up his monday and tuesday nights with DS because he is unable to get him to school the next morning anyway.  I'm letting him have a visit with him a few hours one night a week to replace his weeknights.  The ex also lives with his parents, so my home would be the stable choice assuming he's not going to live with them forever and may end up moving out of that school district eventually anyway.  Usually the mother's home is primary anyway.

Well, the ex doesn't agree with this, he doesn't want to give up those 2 nights a week and only have DS every other weekend.  He either wants him to go to a school in betwen us (in a district neither of us live in, so I don't see how that would happen) or the district he lives at his parents house.  I understand his point but there is no other way because the other 2 options aren't feasable. He works swing shift, sometimes night shift and can't even get him to and from school on his own. 

 We have a court hearing for the motion I purposed, what should I expect?  What I think is that they will make us do mediation, but how much of that would they expect?  What if he never comes around and agrees to this?  Will we even see the judge at this first hearing?  What was your experience? 

 I'm so afraid this is going to be dragged out forever and cost a fortune :(

William born 9/7/07
Violet Mae born 1/15/13
Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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