3rd Trimester

Is a week before my due date too early to fire my doc?

This friday I will be 39 week along.  I feel like my prenatal care has been lacking.  Each visit it is nothing more than, weight, pee, blood pressure, questions.  I'm a first time mom, so I feel like I don't have questions, because I don't have a clue.  I'm in hopes they will tell me if something is needed, or to be done.

 So at almost 39 weeks... I have only had one cervix exam, that was when I first when in when I was pregnant. Also was the only time I have had my blood drawn.  Since then, I have had NOTHING!  People at work are telling me they have had exams since 7 months, some said they had a bunch at the beginning as well.  I know all doctors are different, but my lady parts are feeling very neglected.  I told them about the million braxton hicks I get, and they still don't want to check to make sure they aren't real!?

 This week, my blood pressure was up, my weight was 3lbs in one week, and I swell all the sudden, but nothing is sad.  My friend had the same thing and they had to induce her a month early because of the harm on the baby.  Now I can't stop thinking something might be wrong with the baby or me, and I will never know because my doctor is doing NOTHING!

Is a week before my due date too early to fire my doc?  Or do I just need to relax???  Please help

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