
EP questions....

FTM here and I am planning on exclusively pumping ....the only thing I am a planner and a little concerned as to how this all works out....

 I was sexually abused and still carry underlying issues with certain things so that is why I want to EP......I won't budge on that since I don't want to have ANY issue what so ever between that and feeding my child.

So once the baby is born I will be able to express the colostrum and feed it to my baby? Will I be able to use my pump to stimulate for my milk to come in? Any tips or suggesting for pumping and then feeding? I realize I won't be able to build up a stash right away and this is going to be a lot of extra work...but I feel it is worth it. 

Sorry for all of these questions, but I figured you ladies were the ones to ask. I have read some books but they all really focus on actual breastfeeding so I was hoping you all would be able to give me better advice. I also just want to have a game plan in case the hospital tries to push me into formula....

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