
how can I get my kid to eat more?

DS is almost 7 months. Maybe he's getting enough but it doesn't seem like it to me. Here's his usual schedule:

- wake up and nurse at 7 am - usually takes almost nothing, just looks around, talks, etc.

 - rice cereal at daycare around 8:30 - probably a couple tablespoons

 - 8-12 oz BM during daycare (I send 12-14 oz. He didn't eat anything the first couple weeks so this is an improvement. He's not on a real schedule there but usually ends up taking 4-6 oz around noon and 4-6 oz around 3. They do offer more frequently but he usually refuses.

 - sometimes nurses when we get home around 5:30 (doesn't seem to take much)

 - solids (usually 1 cube of carrots and maybe half a jar of prunes) around 6

 - nurses before bedtime (usually pretty good session)

 - up 2x to nurse at night - these are his best nursing times, he's drowsy and hungry and it's dark. He slept through the night from 4 months until he started daycare about a month ago, but I know there's a little bit of reverse cycling going on.

I have trouble making it add up to ~25 oz, but I don't know how much he's getting when he nurses. He's still very distractable and on and off the boob. He gained about 1.5 lbs between 4-6 months, dropped from 27th percentile to 11th. (I attributed that to him not eating much the first two weeks of daycare - and probably sleeping through the night when he should have been getting up and eating!). He did gain 7 oz in the last two weeks, so hopefully he's back on track. He probably has 5-6 wet diapers and 1 poop a day. The ped didn't seem too worried but did want us to jump wholeheartedly into solids - we only started them right at 6 months.  

Thoughts? Suggestions on how to get him to eat more at daycare and less overnight?? TIA.

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