Single Parents

How does LO act after visits?

What does your LO act like after coming home from a visit with the OP?  DS always acts out, but each visit is getting progressively worse. Normally, he is naughty for a few days (typical toddler naughty) after the visit and then he's back to his sweet little self. He was with XH this past weekend for the holiday (he has EOW normally) and DS has been a terror since coming home last night. Last night and tonight, he fought bedtime until 10pm. He normally goes down without as much as a wimper around 8. Daycare said he tried to step on another child's head, pulled the hair of all the babies, and lots of other things he's never done before today.

Is this just a case of the "been at dad's and have no rules" type behavior or is DS's behavior an indication he's not doing well with the EOW schedule or something more is going on during his visits? Thoughts? Advice? Just being on overprotective Mama?

The little boy I pick up on Sunday's is NOT the same little boy I hand off on Friday night.

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