
When did you cut out pumping sessions at work?

How did you know when it was time?  

I currently pump 4x at work, for 30 minutes each.  I don't even want to think about how much more work I'll get done in those two hours, haha.

I pump at 6:30, 8:30, 10:30, and 1.  Then I get LO at 3:30.  I don't feed her before work, so the 6:30 session gives me the most since it's after the whole night.    

Should I rearrange my pumping schedule so that the spacing is more even (like, 7, 10, and 1) or just drop one of the sessions (so like, do 6:30, 10:30, and 1).  I have to book the pumping room so it needs to be a consistent schedule, but my cube is right around the corner from the room so I pop in if no one has it booked.  

If I change to 7, 10, and 1....that means I am going 11 hours between nursing or pumping.  Is that ok?

Sorry for all the questions.  This is new for me.  :-)  I'm used to OMG PUMP ALL THE TIME!  

My goal is to BF LO through next winter, wean sometime after she's 18 months so I have a few months "off" before TTCing.  I will continue to pump at work if I need to, to make this goal work.  Once she's 1, we'll do part WCM and part BM. 

Help?  THANKS! 

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