3rd Trimester

You know you are VERY pregnant when...

- It's 1:30am and you are washing surfaces in your house, making multiple to-do lists and then all of a sudden decide you must wash your feet before getting into bed.

- Each morning you debate between trying to sleep a little more even though you are pretty uncomfortable in your hips/back/side/stomach OR getting up because you are WAY hungry (hungry wins every time).

- Each day you alternate between being starving, stuffed, nauseous or just not interested in food at all.

-  You stare at all babies and pregnant women and get completely sentimental but if someone takes your parking spot - you go postal.

- You alternate between wanting to do nothing but sit on the couch or feeling like there is too much to be done and you will never finish it all.

- You can't remember a time when you used to sleep through the night without peeing about 20 times - 18 of those times nothing comes out of course but LO is sitting directly on your bladder and you MUST go.


This is just my most recent list...what about you guys?

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