Single Parents


I'm not judging anyone or saying I'm a doctor but it seems like a C-section happens to often and a first priority before anything else. I'm not trying to make anyones decision(c-section or not something to feel bad about...U can't always decide the birth plan....and I'm sure this will piss people off...but I just find a c-section to much of an easy resort(yes I understand it hurts...its surgery, come on its gonna hurt). And however, I do understand those individuals that needed a c-section no matter what. I was one of those babies, So I'm not trying to sound like I know what I'm talking about, but we have given birth to babies for centuries and it just seems now a days its an option no matter what...just my opinion. (not trying to make anyone mad...I don't have the experience in cs)

This post comes from friends that are getting induced before there due dates and are having c-sections after a few hours....ugh.

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