
Pumping problems...

I am going back to work in 3 weeks and I'm trying to build a milk supply. I've started pumping but every time I pump I'm only getting 1 ounce total from both breasts. I feel like he is getting enough when he nurses because he is content afterwards and can go 3 plus hours before eating again. And about a month ago I meet with a lactation consultant and while there he gained weight after nursing.

I want to be able to pump more so I can feed him breast milk the whole time I'm at work.  I am feeding him one bottle of formula the morning because I need to mix his Zantac medicine in it.  It is then in the morning that I pump. I eat oatmeal every morning and I'm also taking fenugreek. I'm using a medela double pump. after about 3-5 minutes my milk just stops.

Any ideas as to why this is happening and what I can do to fix it?


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