
2 day old... Help please!

We just got home from the hospital yesterday afternoon, and everything was going ok. He ate great this morning at around 9:30 I'd say he got in a good solid 20 minutes of nursing. But now when I see him making his " hungry faces" or know that its time for him to be hungry and I try to nurse he will not stop crying!

He go a pacifier at the hospital that he is in love with already and it is the only thing that stops the crying. However when we try to nurse again he is upset that his pacifier is no longer there. I have tried skin to skin, the bouncer, singing.... nothing is helping him get latched.

We made up some formula and gave him a tiny bit a few minutes ago and it helped calm him down enough to give me a few suckles but it went back to crying. He was latching wonderfully at the hospital and feeding for a good 10 minutes at least each session. 

 I am worried that he is not getting enough to eat, and also that this will effect how my milk will come in.

 Do I try and pump colostrum and feed that to him? Pointers? Help? 

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