
Q's for EPers

For those of you that EP, how long are you planning to go? I originally planned to breastfeed for somewhere between 6 - 12 months but when that didn't work out and I started EPing I thought I would only be able to manage it for four months at the most, even that seemed crazy at first. Now I have gotten the hang of it and am thinking I could make it to six months.

When you do stop are you going to go cold turkey or just cut back pumps slowly over weeks or months?

Also, if you track your supply has it stayed steady or gone up or down? I am a dork so I have a spreadsheet where I track what I pump each day. Even though I had terrible supply issues at first my supply has gone steadily up. When I started we were having to supplement about half his food, I was getting about 12 oz. Now I get 30 oz/day and he only needs a few oz. of formula. I am surprised that it continues to improve since I cut back from 8-10 pumps a day to 5-6 about a month ago when I had an "I can't do this anymore" meltdown and almost quit ;)  


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