
Not gaining - should I give up?

Breastfeeding has been a challenge because I never produced enough milk. I start Dom a month ago and saw a definite increase in supply and an increase in breastfed poop but couldn't stop supplementing all together. About 2 weeks ago DS went through the 3 month growth spurt. I thought things were going well but he started waking up an additional time at night screaming for food (which he hadn't don't since right after he was born), he was fussier than usual, and napping worse. Ihad increased his supplementation a bit during the growth spurt and he seemed content when I decreased it again or so I thought. 


He was in the 23rd percentile for weight last month. This month he is the 6th. I feel like my trying to breast feed is causing him more harm than good.  Should I give up?

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