
Difference in length of feedings on each side

I'm a FTM and new to this board, but have plenty of questions!

Some background: My daughter is almost a week old and did a number on my nipples in the hospital.  My right one is almost completely covered by a scab and very painful.  The left one is not nearly as bad. My right breast started to get engorged yesterday so I was using warm compresses, ice between feedings and tried to pump some out, but only got 1/2 ounce--that was my first time pumping.

My question is, my daughter will eat for about 10 mins on the right (using a nipple shield-I also have flat nipples) and 15-20 on the left (I'm trying not to use the shield on this side when possible).  Would you suggest I pump on the right after feedings to keep my supply up?   I'm not sure what is considered big enough of a difference to matter.  Thank you for any advice!

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