3rd Trimester

Ladyscaping - F/U achey breaky vagina - to trim or not to trim

To trim or not to trim - that is the question.

Several people mentioned ladyscaping in the achy breaky vagina post. This is my third pregnancy - while I am definitely not any sort of expert - I wanted to pass on my previous experience with the battle of the bush.

I like to think I am normal... aka I?m a lazy American bush trimmer. I alternate between a trimmed lady (via electric trimmers) to a full on 70's fro. I usually take to the trimmer when things get crazy. However, when I am this far a long, I cannot see anything without a mirror. For DD1 I tried trimming with a mirror. BIG MISTAKE. Several nicks and band-aids later, I lived to tell this story. So when it came time to trim with DD2, I enlisted the services of DH. Is it kind of embarrassing? Yes. Did it work? Yes.

I plan on enlisting DH's services again a little closer to delivery. I know everyone is different, so to each their own. But I strongly recommend trimming before delivery? if possible. My friend is a nurse, and she said things can get super messy if someone has a vaginal delivery and a big bush. It is not a problem, but the Doctor has to push the bush to see clearly and blood and other lovely things often get caught in your hair. After she told me that, I swore I would always trim my shiit so there was never a need to have to push the bush.

So big, bald, trimmed, or hair ? whatever works best for you.  GL on whatever you decide.


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