3rd Trimester

Suggestions for calming anxiety about labor--

I have been trying since yesterday to come up with ideas for calming my anxiety about labor. I posted here about my angst and realized that before I was pregnant I had tips for myself in learning how to relax--I have suffered from anxiety in the past due to a divorce back in 2009 and had to work my way out of it with therapy, yoga, meditation, articles, etc..and of course friends and family for support..

Today I was listening to relaxation music from Pandora on my I-Phone..also remembered a great website, dailyom.com-you can find lots of great articles and even some online courses that are very cheap..I found a great article on fear that is pretty helpful..Also found some relaxation apps on my I-Phone and there is a great one called "Pregnancy Pauses" which gives you something to work on each day..

I hope this helps some of you struggling with the birth experience.. :)


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