Single Parents

Question about default judgement.

I had to file for a change in visitation and CS modification recently for my oldest child. His father is intentionally impoverishing himself to try to lower his support amount, which is already below what it should be but we made a deal previously that I would take a lower amount until he was off unemployment and working in exchange for me getting sole physical and legal custody. He found a well paying job but immediately lost it as soon as the issue of CS came up. He has not retained a new lawyer (his lawyer removed himself due to my ex not paying and lying/not contacting him in order to be able to represent my ex properly) even though he was ordered to by the judge. It's now been 30 days with no answer from my ex and my lawyer is filing a motion for a default judgement. Does anyone know how this works? And will I be able to get a garnishment and back support judgement now? I live in Maryland. My lawyer is out of the office and I wasn't thinking to ask him when we last spoke. I emailed him but I thought you lovely ladies may know. 
I can't complain but sometimes I still do
Life's been good to me so far
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GL to my twinkie Loveypants and my labor buddy Dlast!
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