

I have a 1 month old baby who is exclusively on the breast at the moment, but I also pump (2-3 times/day on the low setting) to up/keep my supply (I was nursing on a nipple shield) and also to build a freezer stash for down the road or babysitters or whatever. Anyway....he had a bad latch in the hospital, so we had him on a nipple shield. I fed him on a nipple shield for probably 2-3 weeks.The LC said my nipple soreness was likely due to the friction from rubbing on the nipple shield. He is off the shield now and has been for the past week or so. His latch seems to be fine, everything looks correct, his position and sucking look good, his suck/swallow timing is good so i can tell that he's getting plenty while on there, my nipple is shaped normal when he's done (it was like a lipstick when his latch was bad), i use the large flanges on the pump so my nipples don't rub on the sides, and there is no obvious sign of infection or damage to my nipples. All of this yet my nipples are still sore, making me cringe everytime it comes time for him to latch or me to pump. I rub BM into them and use the lanolin on them.....have I just not given it enough time, or am I just one of the unfortunate few who have sensitive nipples and will be prone to painful breastfeeding.

Side note: both are sore, but it's mainly just the left. Latching is painful on both sides, but once he is on, my right side stops hurting.

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